An engaging title.
They told me to write an engaging title. Well, I had a title last night as I drifted off to sleep. "Write it down." I told myself. It was...
Learn Something
I am constantly learning. Not necessarily traditionally, book in hand, diligent notes, cue cards ready. I have not taken an exam in...
Start when you can't
It's been 4 years since my scattered Gemini brain had an impulse to share my thoughts through a blog post. I always have the impulse to...
Starting your day neutrally
This morning I awoke after a fairly nutty dream. I thought about it, laughed, and sent a text to the person it was about. The sun beamed...
The First ..Should be the most impressive
Thoughts run amuck in my head, as they do in (so we hope) the rest of the human population. My first impulse to begin a blog was...